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Our Lady of the Lake Church Poems


               Gracious God! how well Thou dost provide
               For erring judgments an unerring guide!
               O teach me her for my director take
               Whom Thou hast promised never to forsake!
                                 --John Dryden

                       TO OUR BLESSED LADY

               Mother of Mercy! day by day
               My love of thee grows more and more;
               Thy gifts are strewn upon my way,
               Like sands upon the great sea-shore.

               Though poverty and work and woe
               The masters of my life may be,
               When times are worst, who does not know
               Darkness is light, with love of thee?

               But scornful men have coldly said
               Thy love was leading me from God;
               And yet in this I did but tread
               The very path my Savior trod.

               They know but little of thy worth
               Who speak these heartless words to me;
               For what did Jesus love on earth
               One half so tenderly as thee?

               Get me the grace to love thee more;
               Jesus will give if thou wilt plead;
               And, Mother! when life's cares are o'er,
               Oh I shall love thee then indeed.

               Jesus, when His three hours were run,
               Bequeath'd thee from the cross to me;
               And oh! how can I love thy Son,
               Sweet Mother! if I love not thee?

                               --F. W. Faber

The above poetry was included in the Souvenir Program of the Silver Jubilee of Our Lady of the Lake Church.

                       OUR LADY OF THE LAKE

          Our Lady of the Lake, who guided those
          Whose faith took root and grew,
          Whose foresight, toil and sacrifice did build
          A church though they were few,

          Guide us who now do hold that church in trust.
          May we take root and grow
          Into a parish that reflects God's love
          And spirit here below.

          Our Lady of the Lake, O pray for us,
          That God may grant us grace
          To grow in Faith and Hope and Love; and keep
          Our church a peaceful place.

"Take Root and Grow" was the theme of the 1983 Diamond Jubilee of Our Lady of the Lake Church.

                         GARDEN OF PRAYER

               There is a solitary place
               Where anyone can go
               To be alone and meditate
               Or watch the flowers grow.

               No time clocks and no telephone
               No pressures and no stress
               Just singing birds and butterflies
               And flowers in brilliant dress.

               A spot to sit and think awhile
               Or not to think at all
               To share the quiet with a friend
               And watch the water fall.

               To see the image of Our Lady
               And view the soaring steeple
               To feel the love and caring
               That flow out to all the people.

               Some may want to pray with words
               And others, just to feel--
               But everyone will know the peace
               That permeates, is real.

               The Garden welcomes everyone
               To stop and smell a flower
               To rest a quiet moment
               In the shadow of the tower.

                           --Marnie Wilson

Poem written by a member of Our Lady of the Lake Church in honor of the dedication of the Garden of Prayer.

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