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     Before 1907 Green Lake Catholics had to travel long distances to attend mass.  Many went to St. Patrick's church, Ripon, and asked its pastor, Fr. Thomas J. Cosgrove, to  baptize, marry and bury their loved ones.  He encouraged Green Lake residents to build their own church.  On Aug. 23, 1908, the corner stone of the new church was laid and in Jan. 1909, it was dedicated to the Immaculate Virgin Mary under the title of "Our Lady of the Lake."
     The parish was a mission of St. Patrick's from 1909 until 1923 when the Capuchin Fathers of Mt. Calvary agreed to minister to its spiritual needs.  A priest came to Green Lake from Mt. Calvary by train on Saturday morning, stayed over night at a parishioner's home, administered the sacraments, and left for Mt. Calvary Sunday night, ready to teach the seminarians for another week.
     In March, 1945, Fr. Stephan Szczerbiak was appointed resident pastor of Our Lady of the Lake.  He arranged for the School Sisters of Notre Dame to come each Saturday from St. Stanislaus in Berlin to teach catechism.  A rectory was built.  Fr. Steve was not well and in April, 1951, he passed away.
     Fr. Roger Idzikowski succeeded Fr. Steve.  Under his pastorate a strong Chi Rho Club was developed, new altar boys were trained, catechism by Sisters of Notre Dame continued, Holy Name Society was organized and a Discussion Club was formed.
     In June, 1956, Fr. Francis S. Karwata succeeded Fr. Roger.  In October, 1959, Fr. Karwata passed away, suffering from cancer.

     In January, 1960, Fr. Carl J. Wagner was assigned to Our Lady of the Lake parish.  Plans were made to build a larger church.  Fr. Wagner was the pastor, carpenter, mason, and general contractor.  In June, 1961, the new church was dedicated by Bishop O'Connor.
     In June, 1978, Fr. Wagner retired and Fr. Lawrence Clark succeeded him.  Under Fr. Clark's direction the 1960 church was remodeled, creating a family room with kitchen facilities.  The altar was moved from the west end of the church to the north side with the pews rearranged in a modified half circle.  Fr. Clark passed away Sept. 1981, from a sudden heart attack.  He had done much to encourage a spirit of dialogue and cooperation within the parish and between the Christian parishes in the community.
     In Nov. 1981, Fr. Leo A. Joyce became pastor.  Fr. Leo immediately set about to affirm the people of the parish in their own ministries of service, to inspire a better spirit among them, to work closely with the Parish Council and to set short and long term plans.  Through Fr. Leo's guidance the stained glass windows of the old church were incorporated in the new, the steeple was lifted off the old church and set on a new foundation, and a Garden of Prayer was developed containing the steeple and the outdoor statue of the Blessed Virgin.  The Garden and the new entrance were dedicated on Mary's Assumption 1987.  In 1989 a Learning Center was added to the present church containing four class rooms, three offices and storage areas.

     In June, 1993, Fr. Leo retired, and Fr. John R. Dowd became pastor of Our Lady of the Lake.  He has done much spiritual good by visiting in the homes, making himself available to the sick, and to all who seek his assistance.

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