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 1665, Oct. 1  -  First Mass in Wisconsin offered up by Jesuit Fr. Claude Allouez at Cheguamegon on shore of Lake Superior.
 1669  -  First Mass in Green Bay offered up by Fr. Claude Allouez
 1670  -  Mission of St. Jacques (James) established by French    Jesuits at Mascoutin Village (in what later became Green Lake     County).  Indians built a bark chapel.
 1673  -  Fr. Jacques Marquette stopped at Mission of St. Jacques.       On the same trip he blessed the "Holy Springs" at the St.     Marie site (St Mary of the Fountain), Princeton, planting a    cross there.
 1674  -  Jesuit Fr. Antoine Silvy sent to help Fr. Allouez at   Mission of St. Jacques and Mission of St. Marc on the Wolf      River.
 1675  -  Fr. Marquette died.  Fr. Allouez was sent to replace him    at the Mission to the Illinois.  Fr. Silvy also was sent to    another mission.  Fr. Bonnault was sent to care for the     Missions of St. Jacques and St. Marc.
 1687  -  All remaining French Jesuit priests left the Fox River     Valley when Indians burned the St. Francis Mission at De Pere.
 1784  -  Fr. John Carroll was named Superior of the American      Missions.
 1789, November 6  -  First Episcopal See (Baltimore) in the United    States created by Pope Pius VI.  Fr. John Carroll named first    Bishop of Baltimore.
 1823  -  Fr. Gabriel Richard came to Green Bay to resume the work of the early Jesuits.
 1825  -  Fr. Vincent Badin continued Fr. Richard's work.  He was    a brother of Fr. Stephen Badin, the first priest to be     ordained in the United States.
 1843  -  Fr. Vincent Badin went back to France.
 1843  -  Diocese of Milwaukee was formed from out of the Diocese   of Detroit.
 1847  -  Dartford Village site is platted.
 1848  -  Village of Princeton platted.
 1849  -  Dutch Capuchin Fr. P. Louis Godhaart (pastor of St. Mary's, Fort Winnebago, now Portage City) erected a log chapel    at St. Marie (St. Mary of the Fountain.)
 1851  -  A baptism was held in St. Marie parish.
 1851  -  St. Joseph parish, Berlin, formed.
 1861  -  Rev. E. Gray, Ripon, erected brick chapel at St. Marie     (St. Mary of the Fountain) dedicated by Bishop M. Henni.
 1868  -  Diocese of Milwaukee was divided; the Diocese of Green     Bay and the Diocese of La Crosse were formed from out of it.
 1869  -  St. Stanislaus parish, Berlin, was formed.
 1871  -  First railroad reached Dartford.
 1871  -  St. John the Baptist Catholic Parish, Princeton, built     its first church (a wooden structure for $3,000.)
 1873  -  St. Patrick's church, Princeton, built.
 1887  -  Present St. John the Baptist church, Princeton was built;    the original church built in 1871 later became a residence for the sisters.
 1907  -  Village of Dartford renamed Village of Green Lake
*1907, July  -  First Mass in Dartford area in the home of Dennis    McCarthy offered by Fr. Thomas Cosgrove, pastor of St. Patrick's church, Ripon.
*1907, September  -  First meeting of a group of Catholics wishing   to establish a permanent church in Green Lake.
*1908, August 23  -  Corner stone for the first Catholic church in      Green Lake laid by Most Rev. Sebastian G. Messmer, Archbishop      of Milwaukee.
*1908, October 27  -  First official meeting of Our Lady of the Lake parish called to incorporate the congregation.  Thomas A.      Collins elected secretary, Matthew DeMoss treasurer.
*1908, November 6  -  Articles of Incorporation of Our Lady of the    Lake signed by Archbishop Sebastian G. Messmer, Thomas A.      Collins and M. A. DeMoss.
*1909, January 10  -  Formal dedication of church to the Immaculate     Virgin Mary with the specific title of Our Lady of the Lake.  Regularly scheduled Mass services began by Fr. Cosgrove.    Parish was a mission of St. Patrick's parish, Ripon.
 1909  -  Brick chapel at St. Marie dismantled for the benefit of     St. Patrick church, Princeton.  Pictures and statues were   transferred to St. Patrick's.
*1910, Fall  -  Fr. Cosgrove transferred to Fond du Lac.  Fr. James      Condon became pastor of St. Patrick's, Ripon, with Our Lady of    the Lake as a mission.
*1912  -  Fr. Condon was succeeded by Fr. Michael Norton, who also took charge of Our Lady of the Lake as a mission.
*1921  -  Fr. Norton resigned St. Patrick's and took up residence      in Green Lake making Our Lady of the Lake church independent from St. Patrick's.
*1923, June  - Fr. Norton retired leaving Our Lady of the Lake      without the services of a priest.
 1923  -  Highway 23 from Green Lake to Ripon paved with concrete.
*1923, July  -  Fr. Andrew Neufeld, O.F.M.Cap. was appointed to   take regular charge of Our Lady of the Lake parish.
*1924  -  Church was painted, received two side altars, stations of    the cross statutes, two electric light fixtures, pipeless furnace and a bell hung in the steeple.
*1924, Christmas  - First Solemn High Mass celebrated in Our Lady      of the Lake church.
*1927, September 21  -  Fr. Andrew celebrated his Silver Jubilee of     ordination to the priesthood.
*1933  -  Interior of the church redecorated.
*1933, August 6  -  Parish celebrated its Silver Jubilee with a    Pontifical High Mass.
*1937  -  A series of other Capuchin priests replaced Fr. Andrew.
 1938  -  Green Lake Community Hall built.
*1944, February  -  Our Lady of the Lake placed under the care of   Fr. Julian Bieniewski of St. Michael's parish, Berlin.
*1945, March 23  -  Fr. Stephen Szczerbiak appointed resident      pastor of Our Lady of the Lake parish by Milwaukee Archbishop     Moses E. Kiley.
*1946, March 12  -  Diocese of Madison was canonically erected and    Our Lady of the Lake parish was transferred from Milwaukee      Archdiocese to the newly formed Madison Diocese.
*1951, March  -  The rectory of Our Lady of the Lake built in 1950   and 1951 was finished.
*1951, April 21  -  Fr. Steve passed to his eternal reward.  Fr. Roger Idzikowski succeeded Fr. Steve as pastor.
*1956  -  Choir with organist organized by Conrad L. Naparalla and Margaret Carew.
*1956, June 2  -  Fr. Roger was transferred to the parishes of   Markesan and Kingston.  On June 8 Fr. Francis S. Karwata was transferred from St. John the Baptist parish, Princeton to Our    Lady of the Lake parish.
*1957, Palm Sunday  -  First Sunday bulletin of Our Lady of the Lake parish published.
*1958, June  -  Fr. Karwata celebrated his 40th jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood.
*1958, August 24  -  Parish celebrated it Golden Jubilee.  Bishop    William P. O'Connor officiated and urged the parish to build     a new and larger church.
 1959, January 25  -  Pope John XXIII announced his intention to   convoke the Church's 21 Ecumenical Council.
 1959  -  St. John the Baptist, Princeton, built parochial school.
*1959, October 4  -  Fr. Karwata began his eternal life.
*1960, January 12  -  Fr. Carl J. Wagner was assigned to Our Lady      of the Lake parish.  He had been the pastor of St. James,
     Neshkoro, with a mission at St. Patrick's, Princeton.  He was    the last pastor assigned to St. Patrick's.
*1960,  -  A new church was built for Our Lady of the Lake parish.
*1961, April 2  -  The first Mass was celebrated in the new church    on Easter Sunday.
*1961, June 4 a.m.  -  Fr. Wagner celebrated his silver jubilee in     the priesthood.
*1961, June 4 p.m.  -  The new church was dedicated to God by   Bishop William P. O'Connor.
 1962  -  Green Lake City incorporated.
*1962, April  -  Our Lady of the Lake parish quota for building Holy Name Seminary $10,000.
 1962, June 24  -  Bishop O'Connor celebrated his golden jubilee to     the priesthood at St. Raphael's Cathedral at 12:00 noon.
*1962, Fall  -  Parking lot across Ruth Street from Our Lady of the    Lake church was bulldozed and graveled.
 1962, October 11  -  Second Vatican Council solemnly opened.
*1962, December 8  -  Name of St. Joseph added to the cannon of the    Mass.
*1963, May 5  -  Parking lot south of Ruth Street was black topped.
 1963, June 3  -  Pope John XXIII dies.
 1963, June 21  -  Pope Paul VI is elected.
 1963, September 16  -  Bishop O'Connor laid corner stone for new   seminary.
 1965, December 8  -  Second Vatican Council solemnly closes.
 1967, February 22  -  Bishop Cletus F. O'Donnell was named second    bishop of Madison Diocese replacing Bishop O'Connor who   retired.
 1967, March 7  -  Bishop William P. O'Connor celebrated his 25th      anniversary as bishop.
*1967, November 19  -  Copies of the new canon of the Mass were      available in the church vestibule at 5 cents per copy.
*1968, May 6  -  First parish council meeting of the parish.
*1968, October 7  -  Blessing of outdoor statue of Mary, memorial of the Dunn family.
*1970, May 30  -  First Saturday evening Mass offered in Our Lady      of the Lake parish to meet the Sunday obligation.
*1971  -  Parish council approved purchase of a new organ.
 1973, May 9  -  Holy Year proclaimed by Pope Paul VI
*1976, June  -  Fr. Wagner celebrated his 40th anniversary in the    priesthood.
*1978, June 21  -  Fr. Wagner retired.  Fr. Lawrence Clark was assigned the pastorate of Our Lady of the Lake parish.
*1979, December  -  First communal penance offered in Our Lady of   the Lake church.
*1980, June  -  Fr. Clark celebrated his 30th anniversary in the priesthood.
*1980-81  -  Plans were made and followed for the remodeling of the    new church.
*1981, May 18  -  New family room in the remodeled church used for the first time for a PCCW Mother-Daughter pot luck dinner.
*1981, September 29  -  Fr. Clark passed to his eternal reward.
*1981, November 1  -  Bishop O'Donnell assigned Fr. Leo A. Joyce to Our Lady of the Lake parish.
*1982, June 13  -  Fr. Leo celebrated his Silver Jubilee to the priesthood.
*1982, June  -  Practice of serving coffee and rolls or donuts    between the masses during the summer began.
*1982-83  -  Seven stained glass windows from the old church were      installed in the new church.
*1982-83  -  Rectory was remodeled.
*1983, July 2 & 3  -  Diamond Jubilee of Our Lady of the Lake      parish celebrated.
*1983, July 8  -  Open house held featuring tours of the church,   the remodeled rectory, displays with pictures and architect's    drawings of plans for the proposed east entrance and   utilization of remaining stained glass windows.
*1983  -  New parking lot on the north side of the church was available for use at time of Diamond Jubilee.
*1984  -  First Easter ecumenical sunrise service in Green Lake.
*1984, Summer  -  Steeple of original church set on new foundation     in the Garden of Prayer.
*1986, August  -  Electronic Carillon bells installed.
*1987, May 30  -  Fr. Leo celebrated 30th anniversary to the      priesthood.
*1987, August 15  -  Garden of Prayer and new east entrance of   church dedicated.
*1989, September 24  -  Caestecker Christian Learning Center      dedicated by Bishop George Wirz.
*1989, December  -  Carol Kasuboski became the first administrative      assistant.
*1991, May  -  Fr. Leo celebrated 34 years in the priesthood.
 1993, April 13  -  Bishop William H. Bullock named third bishop of      Diocese of Madison.
*1993, June 6  - Fr. Leo retired.  June 8 Fr. John R. Dowd became    pastor of Our Lady of the Lake parish.
 1993, October 3  -  Fr. Wally Kasuboski, pastor of the parish's adopted mission, celebrated his Silver Jubilee in the priesthood.
*1993, October  -  Fr. John begins his visits with the      parishioners.
*1994, May 18  -  Mary Therese Gallagher conducted a one day      retreat.
 1994, August 28  -  Reception of the new catechism in Madison from   Bishop Bullock.
*1994, Fall  -  Mary Therese became a temporary Spirituality      Resource Person of Our Lady of the Lake.

 1995, February 3  -  Fr. Leo passed to his eternal reward.       Memorial service for him in Our Lady of the Lake March 2.

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